It was a lovely spring day,with warm breezes,fluffy clouds,drifting lazily accross a blue,sunny sky. There was an electris,undercurrant of excitement in the air as the 4 of us set out accross the grassy park in L.A Cal.,where Paganfest 2000-2001 was being held that year ; Josh,Erik Ball aka The Wall,my 'wife' Yara Wilkerson,and myself-Josh's mom Melysa.
Josh looked awesome in black trench over black shirt & pants with black steel-toed boots,spiked leather on his wrists and throat,dark glossy hair hung down past his shoulders,framing a face with high cheecki bones,atraght nose,,,above a strong cleft chin,full lips that twitched in a grin that sparkling wide spaced hazel eyes under perfectly arched brows couldnt help but become the magical laughing mouth that lit up his whole face and pulled everyone else around him into happiness and feelings of wellbeing.Even the dark shades he playfully wore as a prop being a gothic dHark lord ,made him look 'sexy' he said.
Yara & I,wearing black sleeveless dressess and army boots,spikesd leather collars and wristlets were striking,yet sexy also with black eyeliner and lipstick.But Erik,wore jeans above his work boots and a plain,plaid shirt.
Yet,his tall,curly red hair and bland expression got more play,and cleared paths than the other 3 of us,until it got dark.
Josh in his goth dark load look and his sudden brooding dark presence became a palpable force ,and when I told him about it as we were walking back towards our car,he stopped ,struck this pose ,arched 1 eyebrow ,said 'Indeed" ,I couldn't snap the pic quick enough,but this 1 works.LOL
I will always remember him best,that day.Awesome memories ,awesome day.